Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Tramp naked with a mustache (both of us)

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Beer, Zippy and beer

Your Grandma's opinion:

You're crazy! She's dead you heartless people...

You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Bontida?

This time, together as a team 😀 (Cedric) On two white horses, with roses in our mouths and waving children next to us (Ute)

Ute (33)

Current Race Rank: 0
Current Route Rank: 0

C.U.T.E. aka Cedric and Ute tramp everywhere!

Oh and not to forget, Zippy the advanced and super experienced hitchhiker aka tramp-turtle is helping us on our way to glory and... hopefully Rumania! Follow his Insta account turtlezippythe and don't miss the adventure!!!!!

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Möge der Sterni Gott mit euch sein!
achim und erna
viel spass noch und weiter bis ans Ziel Daumen hoch

How does the turtle have the patience for these two?
damit der Hund nicht hungert
Pisse aus meinem arschloch
Wo fliegt den der Albatros?
Daumen hoch! 🙂
Mo und Luisa (Hakuna Matata)
Wir hoffen sehr, dass Ihr Eure Aufgabe abgeschlossen habt und die Gruppe nicht am Zielort verdursten musste.

Bis bald und good tramp

Genießt die Zeit 🙂
HEJ CUTE TEAM!!! Gute Sache, safe trip!! Und kommt nach WIEN <3
1 Anonymous Sponsor(s)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!