The Incredibles on Tour...Again!
Zwei Wochen per Anhalter durch Europa. Warum?
Great way of traveling, exploring the world and making new experiences! Further there is a title to defeat.
Warum sollte ein_e Fahrer_in gerade uns mitnehmen?
Cause we are the best and most awesome team ever!!!!!!!
Unsere Beste Tramperfahrung bisher:
Hitchhiking a towing truck, the bags strapped on the towing platform, who's driver took the one way construction sites with 180km/h and using its warning lights just to make us win our stage.
Unser Ziel fürs Rennen
Spaß, Spaß, Spaß!
Für eine Spende würden wir...
important for everyone and in need of our support.
Lena (32)
Julius (31)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 55
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 11
winner of last years tramprennen 2013 and now back on the road
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