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Ein Träumchen

Felix, Jonas, Franzisca

Thursday, August 31st 11:50

Made it! ačiu viktorija! And all other Lifts today!

Grandma Says No Racing Team

Marek, Leonie

Thursday, August 31st 11:44

Grandmas Schnapserwachen on the road together as usual - next year we should start the first team with 4 people - why? Because it works

Double Pack

Bjoern, Annemarie Rosalia

Thursday, August 31st 11:41

ATTENTION ATTENTION: tmw (1.Sep) will be a dry day ( no alcohol can get sell in the shops) in Lithuania - so buy as much alcohol as possible today

Double Pack

Bjoern, Annemarie Rosalia

Thursday, August 31st 11:37

Challenge done !

Nicht bummeln, Gryffindors!

Neville, Harry, Hermine

Thursday, August 31st 11:35

Teaching Grandmas and Pogos how to Witsch and Wedel.


Johannes, Maren

Thursday, August 31st 11:25

2nd place! Now going with the last lift for barbecue. See you later.

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Ein Träumchen

Felix, Jonas, Franzisca

Thursday, August 31st 11:24

Wir sitzen im direkt Lift. Ihr habt uns zwar überholt, müsst ihr umsteigen?

Intim im Team

Nick-Michel, Heidi

Thursday, August 31st 11:17


Grandma Says No Racing Team

Marek, Leonie

Thursday, August 31st 11:16

Hitchhiking Next Level Shit

Grandma Says No Racing Team

Marek, Leonie

Thursday, August 31st 11:15

Fünfer lift! Socialpoint!

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