Los Perroflautas

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Zwei Wochen per Anhalter durch Europa. Warum?

Because its possible, its fun and there is no better chance to get conected to the people of the visited countries.

Warum sollte ein_e Fahrer_in gerade uns mitnehmen?

We have an ukulele and a cap with rainbow cat ears and a little penguin.

Unsere Beste Tramperfahrung bisher:

R: Already completed Tramprennen 2012, what a crazy Night in Fardea. And getting stucked in a Hippie village at the Algarve. M: The possibility to be faster as a train without paying nothing.

Unser Ziel fürs Rennen

Spaß, Spaß, Spaß!

Für eine Spende würden wir...

the most important good which should be accessible for everybody independent from where you are, what you are or what you think. Its a basic human right, which isnt realised in all parts of the world. The acces to clean dirinking water is a main challenge of humanity for the 21th century.

Roger (35)
Marry (35)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 15
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 4

We two crazy Perroflautas met first last summer in Zaragoza. After hitchhiking around Scotland, "Hitchhikers Hell" Spain and all the way back to Dresden, we decided to join this years Hichthiking Highlight in Summer. We are looking forward to support Viva con Agua and have a awesome summer.

Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit derer, die woanders hinfahren. Wohin aber fahren die anderen? Und wie frei sind sie?

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