Zwei Wochen per Anhalter durch Europa. Warum?
Our perfect all-inclusive vacation dream.
Warum sollte ein_e Fahrer_in gerade uns mitnehmen?
There is no getting around: you see us, you'll pick us
Unsere Beste Tramperfahrung bisher:
We are the exprerience
Unser Ziel fürs Rennen
Spaß, Spaß, Spaß!
Für eine Spende würden wir...
Think of you every day!
Simone (36)
Sören (34)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 2
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 1
Are we fancy?
Are you fancy?
Are our thumbs fancy?
Is our teamname fancy?
Yes we are all fancy.
Fairncy enough.
Fancy Simone and fancy Sören are going to rock that fancy shit f*ck race and raise some euros for clean water and refugees rights.
Yes we are against fancy border patrols.
Yes we are against fancy Triton protection.
We are for fancy open borders.
Support FANCY
Ticker Nachrichten
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You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!
Team Sponsoren
You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!