The Backseat Buddies

Team Picture

Zwei Wochen per Anhalter durch Europa. Warum?

Because we`re excited to experience other countries and cultures, making new friends along the way; and at the same time doing our small part in making the world a better place by raising awareness, funding for the work of VcA and Pro Asyl. What a great combination, don`t you agree?

Warum sollte ein_e Fahrer_in gerade uns mitnehmen?

Rock, Raeggae, Ska, Pop, Folk? No matter which type of music you prefer. We will bring along an awesome mixtape to share the finest German music with everyone giving us a ride; including small local bands and of course masterpieces of German Culture like Helene Fischer`s "Atemlos". We will therefore enhance a deeper intercultural understanding in Schäuble being not the worst Germany has to offer.

Unsere Beste Tramperfahrung bisher:

The unexpected hospitality of the drivers and the stories they share with us.

Unser Ziel fürs Rennen

Ankommen! Teilnahme ist alles!

Für eine Spende würden wir...

- Put your favorite song on the mixtape. - Bring along an extraordinary souvenir. (We know, you`re still lacking an Albanian stone in your super impressive stone collection.) - (Maybe) perform any other special task you`re giving us. Do not hesitate to ask us. But - honestly speaking - donating is about giving something truely from your heart without expecting anything in return. And that`s what`s making it so precious. Sharing is caring!

Jana (33)
Julian (32)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 32
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 5

Hey, we are Jana from Hamburg and Julian from Trier. We didn`t know each other before the race. Actually, we still haven`t met in person yet. But we apparently have some core values in common and share the goal of raising money and awareness for good causes. This is why we are sure to make a great team and soon be Backseat Buddies!

Ticker Nachrichten


The Backseat Buddies

Jana, Julian

Saturday, August 15th 11:40

Vielen Dank an die bisherigen Spender! Damit haben wir ja auch schon zwei musikalische Wegbegleiter: Tourdion und "Ich fühl mich Disco". Gute Mischung, auf jeden Fall. Da geht noch mehr! 🙂


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