Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?


Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

sufficient amount of food at all times (or Lady Madonna wont be a saint no more), Iberogast (in case of wrong food - seriously guys, that stuff is pure gold) and a first aid kit (Mr Mustard tends to hurt himself)

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?


Ihr seid ...

... blutige Anfänger*in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Boracko Jezero vor?

Singing a Beatles song, of course! We'll have plenty of time to think of the right one on the way...

Isabelle (29)
Sebastian (28)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 4
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 3

Ticker Nachrichten

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Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Saturday, August 25th 9:55

On the way to Virovitica, also got a bag full of fruits from our last driver!

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Saturday, August 25th 8:45

Next injury: somehow a wasp managed to sting my foot twice.

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Friday, August 24th 18:35

The discovery of the day!

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Friday, August 24th 18:30

Sneaked a picture of the other route's plenum!

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Friday, August 24th 11:28

Fully enjoying the buffer day: first a swim in the lake and now breakfast in the restaurant of the campsite.

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Wednesday, August 22nd 19:21

3rd, still getting better! 🙂

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Wednesday, August 22nd 18:42

Final destination ahead!

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Wednesday, August 22nd 15:56

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Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Wednesday, August 22nd 12:35

Traffic jam in front of Budapest...

Mr Mustard and Lady Madonna

Isabelle, Sebastian

Wednesday, August 22nd 11:16

Hello Hungary 🙂 Going via Budapest now!

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Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

Christin Moatramps
Danke für die großartige Zeit ihr zwei! Kommt gut nach Hause und bis zum Nachtreffen 🙂
Weil ihr einfach als erstes Team unserer Route aufgetaucht seid, geht das jetzt an euch.

Wir sehen uns bei unserem Nachtreffen. 🙂

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