Superpowers without showers

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

taking a shower could be an option!

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Tessa: a warning vest if it should get late again and juggling balls of course!

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Tessa: Again? i keep saying if you only had a driver's license you wouldn't have to do this...

Ihr seid ...

... die Held*innen der Landstraße

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?

what question? in a bathtub of course (we would also accept a mobile shower!)

Tessa (31)
Felix (27)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 6
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 3

Ticker Nachrichten


Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Saturday, September 3rd 19:50

Spontaneous last beer in Durres!

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Saturday, September 3rd 18:00

After more than 1600km we finally felt ready for the best homemade pickles we ever had! Thanks Roger!!!

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Friday, September 2nd 22:36

Challenge done with the help of a lot of others! Have a great Wedding and all the best to the both of you!!!

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Thursday, September 1st 21:20

With dirty hairs but what would you expect from the Superpowers without Showers?

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Thursday, September 1st 20:49

We arrived after 2 hrs and 4 min. 🙂

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Thursday, September 1st 14:35

Starting time: 14.36

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Wednesday, August 31st 21:20

Because my mom complained that we didn't Post anything today. Mom you can be proud of me today I won 😉

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Tuesday, August 30th 18:02

The swiched Team arrived!!

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Monday, August 29th 19:42

Hanging out in Kotor

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Sunday, August 28th 4:00

We didnt have data but just to let you know we arrived in Montenegro!


Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

Damit zumindest irgendwas von mir ankommt 😀
go superpowers without showers!! däumchen werden täglich gedrückt ? ich wünsch euch viel spaß, eine gute zeit und freu mich auf die erzählungen!! 🙂
\"Nur aufs Ziel zu sehen, verdirbt die Lust am Reisen..........\" PAMI
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