Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
As Buzz Lightyear once said: ,,To infinity - and beyond!...''
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
floss, coriander, sweets
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
(Holding her hands to head) :,,Oh boy... don't you know how dangerous that is!''
Ihr seid ...
... die Held*innen der Landstraße
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?
roughly eight persons in a black mercedes.
Katja (35)
Dorian (20)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 8
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 4
rookie & oldie
Ticker Nachrichten
Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 14:47
Coffee break
Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 12:13
Off to Dabrac. No time for beer.
Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 11:14
Still in the mood for happy selfies in Banja Luka
Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 9:49
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Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 9:43
Michelinchen have a gratis taxi to Banja Luka
Katja , Dorian
Wednesday, August 24th 0:01
Daychallenge for the stage to Ostrozac:
Gift your lift to another team one time: when you are in a car and you pass by another team on the road, stop, step out and let the other team take your lift. Important: you must have been riding the lift already!
Katja , Dorian
Tuesday, August 23rd 14:07
Made it Gradiška in Bosnia/ Republika Srpska
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 22:34
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Second time in my life, I'm (Katja) stuck here at Plitvice gas station.
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 18:18
Leerer, inhaltsloser Ausdruck
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Das Michelin Männchen
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