Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
As Buzz Lightyear once said: ,,To infinity - and beyond!...''
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
floss, coriander, sweets
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
(Holding her hands to head) :,,Oh boy... don't you know how dangerous that is!''
Ihr seid ...
... die Held*innen der Landstraße
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?
roughly eight persons in a black mercedes.
Katja (35)
Dorian (20)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 8
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 4
rookie & oldie
Ticker Nachrichten
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 15:12
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Still not that far, but very we are very happy, that Ewald brought us here, who also constructed this parking lot.
If we're still here in 1,5h hopefully Ewald will pick us after he finished work :))
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 14:27
Day challenge complete. Nice Lady pick us up
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 14:27
Day challenge complete. Nice Lady pick us up
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 11:37
Day challenge complete. Nice Lady pick us up
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 11:01
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Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 10:06
Nice & quiet here // schön ruhig hier
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 8:53
Breakfast first, so other teams can have some headstart
Katja , Dorian
Monday, August 22nd 7:56
Take a photo at the driver's seat!
Katja , Dorian
Saturday, August 20th 18:03
Spritzer & Soccer.
Enjoying Gaishorn am See.
Katja , Dorian
Saturday, August 20th 17:43
We made it to Gaishorn
Team Owner
Das Michelin Männchen
Lasst die Reifen qualmen und postet jede Menge Bilder davon im Liveticker!
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