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Fast Kocherlose Kapern
Team Picture

Frederik (30, Wien)
Katharina (40, Nürnberg)
Katja (35, Nürnberg)

Team Picture

Konrad (21, Wendisch Rietz)
Anneliese (23, Heidelberg)
Donovan (23, Phoenix )

Makrele - besoffener Stockfisch unterwegs
Team Picture

Mara (22, Heidelberg )
Michele (27, )

Verarmt, Verdreckt, Verkatert
Team Picture

Roger (35, )
Kerstin (101, Leipzig)

Peters Erben
Team Picture

Philipp (33, Mannheim)
Sarah (36, Klagenfurt)

Ultimate Racing (UR)
Team Picture

Tassilo (27, Leipzig)
Kristin (25, Magdeburg)

Trödel Knödel rolling again
Team Picture

Tessa (31, Bozen, Italy)
Kevin (28, Bozen)

Oafoch nur Koglhof
Team Picture

Stefanie (26, Wien)
Katharina (24, Koglhof)

PogoPingus TurtleTempo
Team Picture

Jana (28, Berlin)
Max (34, Berlin)

Lachs & Scholle 4711
Team Picture

Thea (27, Dresden)
Leah (29, Hohenthann)

Team Picture

Lucija (24, Nürnberg)
Lennard (28, Regensburg)

running gaNg
Team Picture

Charly (19, Lake of Constance)
Pia (20, Heidelberg)

Saránta Éxi 46er
Team Picture

Nico (32, Berlin)
Svea (23, Görlitz )
Ganna (34, Berlin)

Team Picture

Izzy (24, Regensburg)
Lukas (30, Dresden)

Team Picture

Tom (30, Geneva)
Marwa (31, Warsaw )

Design Wizards of Trampville
Team Picture

Cedric (28, Erfurt)
Karolina (27, Köln)

Stuck in the middle
Team Picture

Aleksandra (28, Berlin )
Matwej (26, Leipzig)

Greek Dolles & Pegasus
Team Picture

sändy (30, Kiel)
Isaac (33, )

High Stakes, Jaffa Cakes
Team Picture

Gregory (28, Neenah)
Scarlett (21, Bath)

WanderRing Roadies
Team Picture

Nils Joshua (29, Philadelphia)
Noá Keshia (23, Philadelphia )

Lieber fünf als keins
Team Picture

christoph (25, )
Antje (101, Hamburg)

Tassilo's friends
Team Picture

Felix (27, Brandenburg/Havel)
Maria (28, Würzburg)

Lotus Garden
Team Picture

Bojan (27, Vicenza )
Monika (26, )

Urban Ascets
Team Picture

Max (24, Waldbeuren)
Henrik (76, )
Antonina (30, Heidelberg)

Team Picture

Maja (27, Berlin)
Tim (31, Freiburg)

Go with the flow
Team Picture

Mathilde (33, Avignon)
stephanie (36, lyon)

Team Picture

Enja (24, Graz)
Daniel (25, Graz)
Pauline (24, Graz)

The last ones
Team Picture

Simon (37, Leipzig)
Eduard (35, )

Beauties and the Börek
Team Picture

Emily (28, Eberswalde )
Paul (28, Leipzig)

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)
Team Picture

Anna (22, Magdeburg)
Max (23, Kiel)

The Friki Fahrer
Team Picture

Malakai (26, Kempten)
Águeda (22, Madrid)

Team Picture

Rieke (24, Magdeburg)
Robert (23, Detmold)