the Locomotives

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Weiter als die Lokomotive fahren kann... further than the loc. goes

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Power Bank, Klopapier und Baby Wipes damit der Po schön perlt power bank, toilet paper and baby wipes so that our asses are as well as our phones are smooth the whole ride through

Your Grandma's opinion:

Lass dich nicht beißen! Don't get biten!

You are ...

... hardcore experienced hitchhiking professionals

How do you imagine your final arrival to Majaka (Lemme)?

Champagnerregen und Peter Pony der uns freundlich zuwinkt Champaign Rain and Peter Pony which will greet us

Bjoern (28)
Johanna (27)

Current Race Rank: 1
Current Route Rank: 1

English version below

Norddeutscher als es jemals Labskaus sein könnte- das sind nur die zwei echten Horner Ciddy Cids. Horn fragt ihr euch? Das ist ein kleiner Stadtteil in einer noch kleineren Stadt. gibt Gründe warum wir beim Trapmerrennen mitmachen müssen. Wir, das sind Johanna und Björn. Zwei gescheiterte Studenten die jetzt anderweitig ihr Glück auf der Straße suchen. Drückt uns die Daumen oder auch gerne hoch!

Wir sehen uns in Transsilvanien

Watch out people! the locomotives are coming.

Even more northern than Labskaus could ever be-thats us, the real Horner ciddy kids. Horn you are asking yourself? Horn is a really small city quarter in an even smaller city. You guessed it right, we are talking about Bremen. <--B. Is the reason why we are here. We, that's Björn and Johanna. two desperate students looking for their fortune on the street.

We wish you all big thumbs up and we Weill see us in Transsilvania!

Ticker messages

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the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 20:04

What did we learn from carring a 6pack of beer ( here is the solution for the big quiz) : 1. it‘s not fun 2. it doesn’t help you 3. you will be celebrated as a hero from your other hitch mates Thanks IT JONAS for the lovely challenge Best your RoR, Locomotives

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 19:53

@it‘s a wonderful ride - the bets are already running P.S. u have to make it in an hour pls

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 18:04

What a view part II

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 16:39

Challenge done

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 13:47

Next Stop: Kosice And we also left Frankfurt oder Frankfurt sadly behind us P.S. Jonas my arms start to hurt 😀

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 13:05

We organised two rides within 5min here poprad - Frankfurt oder Frankfurt we are coming - TSCHUT TSCHUT

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 12:13

Car Numero 3 - it will be a looong day :/ Another hint: People say na zdravie after enjoying this

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 11:03

We are trying today all tricks to get away from here

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 9:45

So much fun 2nd hint: It’s also no computer to program Ruby on Rails ( would be kind of meta)

the Locomotives

Bjoern, Johanna

Thursday, August 22nd 8:14

The new bought team ( thanks to IT JONAS) has the wonderful task to transport a little gift to vinne - but we don’t want to give away already the surprise so watch out what the magic mystery box includes First Hint: That are no locomotive replicates

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Team Owner


Team Sponsors

For the Lokomotive much power
Marie 🙂
Na ihr zwei Bremer Fische, gönnt euch mal nen Snack und weiter so 😀 Johanna, stay strong! Liebe Grüsse aus Berlin Berlin 🙂

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!