Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
I mean we're medicine students. Nudity doesn't scare us. Plus didn't I tell you already that we were beautiful ? No one will resist those handsome faces, trust me.
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
Our handsome faces? Our beautiful smiles? Our joie de vivre?
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
Thibault's grandma : "You're crazy and you'll definitely end up in pieces somewhere in the truck of a psycho". Tilia : Please dont' tell my grandma. She'd kill me. For real.
Ihr seid ...
... Hobby-Tramper*in
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?
Running effortlessly, as the wind go through our beautiful hair. Not a drope of sweat on our forehead. Not a breath out of place. Usain Bolt would be jealous.
Tilia (24)
Thibault (24)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 17
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 9
Thibault and Tilia. Two medicine students who met 3 years ago in a non profit health student organization. Got along pretty well, worked together as a team, stuck together since then... The rest is history. One hitchhiking beginner and an absolute professional hitchhiker who definitely knows what she's talking about (also the one writing this description, duh). But even against the odds, this team is not one to be underestimated. Skills, bravery, brain and beauty, let me tell you, we got it all. So beware, T&T is game !
Ticker Nachrichten
Team Owner
InTakt Kulturtanzschule Wedding - https://g.co/kgs/HKKNaT
Do you hear the bells ringing? It\'s wedding time!
Find a lift that teaches you a Tankstellen-\"Hochzeitswalzer\". Perform it on a gas station you want and take a Video of at least 30 seconds. After the dance, you have to send Tobias and Alexandra congratiulations for their wedding.
And because Tobias is too dumb to buy the right team, you have to switch tasks with the team \"Superpowers without Showers\"
Team Sponsoren
Sportiiiii gang
You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!