after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

Cedric: I would walk 500 miles and maybe Svea would walk 500 more. Svea: I would.

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Svea: book by my favorite author Robin Gosens, Ahoi Brause and Ohropax. Cedric: Two emergency cans of beer if we get stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Svea: My grandmothers are dead or mean. I don’t talk to either of them. Cedric: Where the f**k is Albania? And does hitchhiking still work?

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper*in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?

Svea: Of course Nico has to play Wonderwall. The thing is he would have to arrive before us. Cedric: What Svea said. Also no appointments and a little bit tipsy.

Cedric (28)
Svea (23)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 2
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 1

Ticker Nachrichten

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after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 19:47

Started the day with Hanna and Matan. Went to Konjic together.

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 9:44

getting read for hitchhiking... kind of

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Wednesday, August 24th 14:47

Taking over!

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Wednesday, August 24th 13:25

Made it to Split but we are sure we will stay together!

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Wednesday, August 24th 10:43

Let us introduce our mascot "Peter Piggy"

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Wednesday, August 24th 8:52

Why is everybody always waking up and leaving that early?

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Monday, August 22nd 17:58

Greetings from the beach!

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after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Monday, August 22nd 16:30


after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Monday, August 22nd 15:47

Ja, für eine Fahrt an’s Mittelmeer, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeer Gäb’ ich meine letzten Mittel her, Mittel her, Mittel her

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after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Monday, August 22nd 15:00

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Stau at the croatian border

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Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

Christin Rentnertruppe
Heißer Schnurri! Ich wünsche euch starke Lifts! Ich freu mich über ne Postkarte 😉 Gern als Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit Philipp und Laura 😀
Die Klimasäue
Stay hydrated!

Vergesst net das Mitbringsel und die Postkarte.

Für Ceddi gilt: anti- mackerisch unterwegs zu sein - deswegen trag bitte deine Klamotten von Tag 1 bis zum Ziel falsch rum. Schildchen im T-Shirt und in der Buxxe schön nach vorne.

Bis denn - have fun !

Die Unnaer
Euch ganz viel Spaß!

Cedric, trink ein Bier für uns mit.

Erna Maier
Weiterhin viel Spaß und viele tolle Erlebnisse auf eurem Weg zum Ziel.
1 Anonyme(r) Spende(r)

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