Snakes on a Car
Two weeks through Europe by thumb. Why?
To find inner peace and wisdom.
Why should a lift take us along?
We don't want to judge about ourselves, because we are very humble persons (twinkle smiley). But we have a cute snake with us. Could that help?
Our best Autostop-experience so far
A young polish woman picked us up in Chestochowa. She had already picked up a hitchhicking girl who played Ukulele in the car during the ride. Our meeting point was a very small village near Plonsk in Poland. When we told her about that, she started laughing. We looked at her quite irritaded, then she told us that is was exactly her final destination. So at first, we got a direct lift for this stage. When she asked us where we were planning to spend the night, we told her about a camping site close to the village. Even better, the owners were her aunt and uncle, so when all teams of our route arrived at the meeting point, we gave her a call and she and her aunt picked us up and drove us to their camping site. The next morning, they invited our whole route to an increadibly nice breakfast buffet and we even got a discount for the nights we spent there.
Our goal for the race
Reach the destination. Participation is everything!
For a Donation we would...
LIFE! Water for everyone for water!
Jonas (34)
Nina (35)
Cornelius (33)
Current Race Rank: 21
Current Route Rank: 4
"Opinel" könnte auch der Name für eine Firma sein, die WC-Steine und Urinellas produziert.
Ticker messages
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Saturday, August 30th 21:18
...danke fuer das Abenteuer,die tollen Menschen,die spitzen Team-Zeit,die spannenden Laender. Auf Obelix,auf Autostop,auf Wasser!
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Saturday, August 30th 21:18
GRAND HOTEL VAN CLEEF,das uns mit einer ebenso coolen Spende unterstuetzt hat-Rock'n'roll!
Morgen trennen sich unsere Wege. Mazedonien-es war toll. Tramprennen-
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Saturday, August 30th 21:17
Wir habens auf den 20.Platz geschafft ihr Hippies!Snakes on a Car!!! *tshhhh* *rasel* Nebenbei nochmal 1 lauten Mazedonischen Gruss an das coolste Label der Welt
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Thursday, August 28th 22:24
Ohrid, die schlangen sind da! Und fuehlen sich pudelwohl, so schoen hier. Alle routen sind vereint, feiern & campen direkt am see. Morgen siegerehrung und URLAUB!
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Thursday, August 28th 0:07
Und unsere freunde von den beuteltiere wie gut sie aussehen mit schlangen im gesicht 😉 ohrid wir kommen!
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Thursday, August 28th 0:05
Letzter schoener obelix-abend an unserem zerfallenen ex-sowetischen freibad. Morgen letzter renntag. Die schlangen zeigen nochmal was sie koennen.
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Tuesday, August 26th 12:44
Yay, erster LKW-lift! Skopje, wir schleichen uns an!
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Monday, August 25th 22:01
Morgen dann ins zielland mazedonien, wo die restliche crew, der 2. puffer-tag & hoffentlich ein weiterer platz auf dem treppchen auf uns wartet 😉 YOHO
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Monday, August 25th 21:55
Heute in Nis/serbien gestrandet. Dafuer aber mit kleiner stadtfuehrung, einem richtigen bett und noch drei anderen obelix-teams. Demnach alles froehlich.
Snakes on a Car
Jonas, Nina, Cornelius
Monday, August 25th 11:52
And we would walk 500 miles.. Spaziergang in Serbien mit den Bockwuersten.. nur noch 10 km zum naechsten Dorf.. juhuu..
Team Owner
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You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!
Team Sponsors
You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!