Go with the flow

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

As far as the destination is...

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Lots of joy and good mood =D Openness to meet awesome people along the road.

Your Grandma's opinion:

I guess they wish to be younger and join in.

You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Majaka (Lemme)?

Skydriving our way to the arrival, but maybe a bit unrealistic

Mathilde (32)
stephanie (36)

Current Race Rank: 10
Current Route Rank: 4

Two frenchies that met at the other side of the world and now decided to continue the adventure together in Europe.

Ticker messages

Go with the flow

Mathilde, stephanie

Sunday, September 3rd 22:11

Unexpected meeting in Sofia

Go with the flow

Mathilde, stephanie

Tuesday, August 22nd 15:52

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On the way, getting closer...

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