4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Well...Dabei sein ist alles, eine Teilnahmeurkunde ist auch eine Urkunde,...

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Dog Food for a happy dog. Coffee for happy humans Toothpaste and toothbrush for our shining smiles and happy drivers

Your Grandma's opinion:

Our grandmas are very concerned and want daily messages to prove that we are alive and well. This is no joke and we are very sorry.

You are ...

... bloody beginners

How do you imagine your final arrival to Majaka (Lemme)?

Like a Happy End to the adventures of Max, Anna and Bella the dog. Happy people everywhere, the Outro-song playing an offscreen-voice telling everyone to be exited for the adventure. Ne Spaß, eigentlich kurz und schmerzlos.

Anna (21)
Max (23)

Current Race Rank: 29
Current Route Rank: 10

It sounds like a children's book:

This year Max, Anna and Bella the dog decide to leave their homes for an adventure. Max already has some experience living in the wild, where he also met his paw-pal Bella. Anna has travelled with the 9-Euro-Ticket. But the streets of the Tramprennen are new to them. Will they master all of the challenges that are waiting for them? At least we hope so. All three of them are motivated and more than unready to start. See you on the road!

Ticker messages


4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Wednesday, August 30th 17:08

Got a direct lift from serbia to Vienna, with this amazing truckdriver

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4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Tuesday, August 29th 15:03

Team Swap worked out perfectly for us 🙂 Arrived first in Greece

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Tuesday, August 29th 10:20

After a morning full of rain and thunderstorms we are happy to finally get a Coffee and a roof above our heads Regards from novi sad And good luck to everyone for the raceday

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4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Thursday, August 24th 23:11

Today two Hitchhiking-Dreams became reality:) having a lift driven by a women and sitting in a truck ^^

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4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Thursday, August 24th 23:09

Thanks for the ride and organizing the next one 🙂

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Thursday, August 24th 23:06

Thank you for the drinks, the ride and the recommendation for the lake. We swam a little in the lake 🙂

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Thursday, August 24th 8:51

German Relicts everywhere

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Thursday, August 24th 8:50

We're in Deutsch-Orawitz already. 20 minutes to the Serbian Border. 🙂

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Tuesday, August 22nd 15:23

Javi took us to Lidl in Reschitz and we had a little break there. Thank you to Javi and his wife Ivonne! ^^

4 Hände & 4 Pfoten (4 hands & 4 paws)

Anna, Max

Tuesday, August 22nd 15:20

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Team Sponsors

Holger, Tina, Nils und Frida
Viel Spaß, viel Glück viele tolle Eindrücken. Ihr schafft das, habt ja noch 4Pfoten dabei

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!