Germerican Sparkle Party

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

I'll ride on top of the car in a dog crate, if I must Weird vehicles or in the trunk, we’ll see 😀

Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

A Lidl towel, a ukulele, and jaffa cakes! the biggest of Eddings, juggling balls and granola bars

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Don't forget your towel! We’ll find that out after the race, I haven’t told them.

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper:in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

Wait, I thought that was the start line!

Emily (28)
Gregory (28)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 10
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 3

Greg & Emily really make every race into candy and nuttery!

Donations > 5€ get a postcard

Ticker Nachrichten


Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Thursday, August 29th 17:34

Left the best animal for last: Found a Bär on the road to the final destination 🙂

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Thursday, August 29th 13:45

Leftovers sharing an Albatros, before leaving the beautiful campground.

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Thursday, August 29th 11:11

Forgot to post this on the last stage: Moskito was killed right after this shot was taken 😀

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Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Monday, August 26th 14:41

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Flagless, but with Erwin und Svea 🙂

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Monday, August 26th 11:02

Couldn’t give Tassilo a flag but he got us a lift.

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Monday, August 26th 7:54

On our way with pillow the flag 🙂

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Friday, August 23rd 17:11

We met the cutest little good boy named Charly today. Unfortunately he needed to much space in the back seat, so his parents couldn’t take us :/

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Friday, August 23rd 17:06

Also: Crows. Picture 2/3 with animals

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Friday, August 23rd 17:04

Gregs first time in a truck!

Germerican Sparkle Party

Emily, Gregory

Friday, August 23rd 14:40

Why is elk so long and why did our lift not drop us at McDonalds?


Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

Tom K
Good job on the mosquito! 😀

But please follow up on the other animals, I fail to see 3 different on every stage. I give you two more weeks to put the photos in the liveticker, otherwise you have to donate 5€ for each missing photo

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!