Ring a Ride

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?


Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?


Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Nehmt Schlüpfer und Socken mit!

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper:in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

Auf jeden Fall zusammen, alles Andere ist nebensächlich.

Nils Joshua (29)
Noá Keshia (23)
Natalie Salome (31)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 3
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 1

coming soon...

Ticker Nachrichten


Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Thursday, August 29th 15:43

A little meeting on a very shity Spot.

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Thursday, August 29th 15:17

Nice Teacher, will bring us to the E67

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Tuesday, August 27th 17:08

to claim the mighty castle of vilandy

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Tuesday, August 27th 17:06

across a dangerous bridge...

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Tuesday, August 27th 17:05

Adventures paths was taken

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Monday, August 26th 16:54

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it's a lonely road

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Monday, August 26th 15:36

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Uff, idk Somewhere I guess

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Monday, August 26th 14:51

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Nice Busstation in the Middle of nowhere

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Monday, August 26th 14:16

Lunchbreak is over! #ontheroadagain

Ring a Ride

Nils Joshua, Noá Keshia, Natalie Salome

Monday, August 26th 13:37

Got a flag from our driver as well. :'D


Team Owner


No Owner yet.
You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!

Team Sponsoren

Greetings from sunny Bulgaria Tramprennen!!! I wish you all good luck, great weather and fabulous adventures to all of you! Rise thumbs for Nils and Keshia! :):):)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!