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The Flitzers

Christine, Manuel

Thursday, September 10th 23:30

Wir sind zurück in Deutschland, unser Gepäck hat es aber leider nur bis Belgrad geschafft. Die Reise ist also noch nicht vorbei.

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Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Thursday, September 10th 23:26

Half of Resteverwertung Piggeldy and Frederik made it to Salzburg. Hopefully we will see the other half of us soon.

The Backseat Buddies

Jana, Julian

Thursday, September 10th 22:02

Tankstellenparty an der Hip Hop Tanke $$

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Thursday, September 10th 21:29

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We ♡ Tankstellen

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Thursday, September 10th 21:27

Tankstellenparty in Ljubliana! Salzburg wir trinken schonmal vor 😀

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Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Thursday, September 10th 20:00

Oh no last country before germany. Nie nie wieder Deutschland

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Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Thursday, September 10th 17:52

We just left Zagreb and are on our way to lubijana to a big gas station so we probably can make it to Salzburg today.


Wiebke, Paul

Thursday, September 10th 11:42

Still many people needed here in röszke checkpoint/camp.

3 Thumbs Up

Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Wednesday, September 9th 18:56

Die liebsten Grüße an Flokathi! Resteverwertung Cottbus (Johannes&Jana) werden gerade in Kroatien von euerem Mitbewohner Marc mitgenommen.


Wiebke, Paul

Wednesday, September 9th 8:56

Still in röszke, now there are 8 tramprennen people.great! But there are still so many problems to solve. Nobody knows where they bring the people...

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