Christian, Henrike
Tuesday, September 6th 14:42
Just 1,5? for the waterpark! #tinybitraininmazedonia #motorwaywithoutholesareboring
Christian, Henrike
Tuesday, September 6th 14:41
Just 1,5? for the waterpark! #tinybitraininmazedonia #motorwaywithoutholesareboring
Christian, Henrike
Tuesday, September 6th 13:19
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Last message before leaving the EU for now!
Christian, Henrike
Tuesday, September 6th 13:16
Direct Lift from Thessaloniki to the netherlands... maybe we join until belgrad, Slowenia or anywhere else 🙂 Team piggeldy -the rest 2.0
Katja, Jascha
Tuesday, September 6th 9:32
Team Toffer & Katja hatten noch ne hübsche Nacht bei Tina in Berlin. Jetzt: Hallo Alltag 🙁
Katja, Jascha
Monday, September 5th 19:17
Wir trampen gleich ein Flugzeug. Und wo ist denn nu die Übelkeit hin?
Katja, Jascha
Monday, September 5th 12:18
Okay, the hostel staff said something about Antje, Jackson, Denise Seiler (?), Sandra, Malte (stud or stut?), Roman (probably paid he said ;)) He doesn't know exactly who paid and who not. He's talking about calling police or taking the pony as hostage 😛 I'm going to the city, but probably he will annoy me later on...
Katja, Jascha
Monday, September 5th 12:08
@ the hostelmostel stayers: is there anybody who didn't pay the hostel? Staff is stressing and they say 4 people didn't pay and one laundry.
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