Johannes, Heike
Sunday, September 4th 17:38
Somebody going in direction of Budapest tomorrow from Sophia? Or direction berlin? I (johannes) would enjoy some company:)
Michi, Lina- Lou
Sunday, September 4th 13:05
Der Osos-Haufen hat einen verlorenen gegangenen Schapshasen entdeckt und entspannt mit guter griechischer Musik!
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Sunday, September 4th 8:47
Now on the road again. Towards nis, paul lust joined in.
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Sunday, September 4th 8:47
Now on the road again. Towards nis, paul lust joined in.
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Sunday, September 4th 8:46
Now on the road again. Towards nis, paul lust joined in.
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Sunday, September 4th 8:46
Now on the road again. Towards nis, paul lust joined in.
Michi, Lina- Lou
Saturday, September 3rd 22:30
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We hitchhiked with the osos further to Kavana in Greece, who is also around in Greece?
Matthias, Lisa
Saturday, September 3rd 21:59
Nach einem völlich omchen Tramprennen machen wir uns auf den Heimweg bzw auf den Weg Richtung Griechenland 🙂 omch wars!
Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Saturday, September 3rd 16:02
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A team owner tells you what to do and you gotta do it! Hitchhiking with a bottle attached to a hand
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