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Michi, Lina- Lou

Monday, August 29th 21:58

We had a beautiful buffer day today in Brza Palanka in Serbia, tomorrow to Sofia, Bulgaria. The German Embassy there is already looking forward to welcome us

osos perezosos

Teresa, Max, Andy

Monday, August 29th 21:51

Akkus geladen und es folgen ausführlichere updates über die letzten Tage. Mf grüßen die osos

osos perezosos

Teresa, Max, Andy

Monday, August 29th 21:51

Hatten heute einen erholsamen Tag in Serbien mit im Wasserfall Baden, Traktor trampen, chillen und kochen. Morgen geht es nach Sofia. Da werden mal alle

Hipsteractive Hitcholdies

Lilit, Matthias, Leo

Monday, August 29th 19:12

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Wow, I have to mention that it's not so easy to work on a video when you're hitchhiking and camping nonstop. But here it goes! Stage 3! We were there in Hungary... A driver dropped us off at the highway, where it's forbidden to be standing. There was nothing in the surroundings, so our only option was to get a lift out of there and hope that the police doesn't show up. We managed to get it!


Johannes, Heike

Monday, August 29th 17:35

Parts of the Route Emil were hiking to a waterfall nearby the campsite in Serbia. Coldest water ever!


Johannes, Heike

Sunday, August 28th 19:03

The Futuretrumps arrived safe and sound in Orsova Rumania! Last place on the route but we are still the most relaxed Team ever! Next stop Serbia


Michi, Lina- Lou

Sunday, August 28th 13:08

Team Mandy is happy about being in Serbia

Solidarische Trampwirtschaft

Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie

Sunday, August 28th 12:29

Team Soli-Future arrived to Kladovo and will now take the time to organize the most amazing surprise ever!


Michi, Lina- Lou

Sunday, August 28th 11:38

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Solidarische Trampwirtschaft

Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie

Sunday, August 28th 11:20

Emil is having an in-between-stage and going to Brza Palanka today - in completely new teams 😉 Daily challenge: bring a funny surprise for the group!

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