Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
Pretending my water broke
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
3 knives
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
*giggles* "sounds good, but how are you getting to Germany?"
Ihr seid ...
... blutige Anfänger*in
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Udënisht vor?
barefoot, crying and cold
Cristian (34)
Catinca (31)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 1
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 1
"We are the power couple everyone wants to be: Successful, beautiful, and drama-free. We make relationships look easy and fun. We consider our partner to be our soulmate and we are an inspiration to you all!"- literally some couple's test result from a website we took 3 minutes ago.
Pentru fanii nostri din Romania, suntem si pe:
Ticker Nachrichten
Team Owner
Piggeldy und Frederick (echipa de top de neuitat din Tramprennen 2010)
fa ca noi! distreaz?-te ?i arat?-le celorlal?i cum s? fac? autostopul
Team Sponsoren
Execut puturi, santuri, denisipari zona Giurgiu, Ilfov
Sporuri si aveti grije. Va astept la marius
Va trimit mesaje de aici ca sunt pe roaming si e mai ieftin asa
M - 404
From half of the OG All-Romanian team Tramprennen 2012
S? fie CANICULAR, s? fie fun!
Alex ?i Ema
1 Anonyme(r) Spende(r)
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