Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

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Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

For us it would be ok to iron each others backpacks in order for them to fit in a full car booth. We will follow the Bügeleisen's reflection to lead us the right way. This year there will be no sabotage from us.

Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Our backpacks are fully aligned to the stars and there is nothing missing.

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

They also want to learn to surf on a Bügelbrett and they want to have extra lessons in Bügeleisening.

Ihr seid ...

... blutige Anfänger:in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

Surfing on a giant Bügelbrett

Frederik (30)
Tessa (31)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 16
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 6

The strength of the team is that both team members have aligning zodiac signs. Both of us are Bügeleisen with Bügelbrett rising.Be prepared!

Appropriately symbolized by the celestial Bügeleisen, this air sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself. Because of Bügeleisen's intrinsic duality, they're often falsely misrepresented as two-faced. In reality, however, Bügeleisen rarely has a hidden agenda. Playful and intellectually curious, Bügeleisen is constantly juggling a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups. They are the social butterflies of the zodiac: These quick-witted Bügeleisens can talk to anyone about anything. Find them buzzing between happy hours, dinner parties, and dance floors.

Bügelbrett is a cardinal sign, meaning that Bügelbrett Risings are all about taking action. They are no strangers to acting up. Don’t let their chill disposition confuse you—they bring the energy and the enthusiasm! As the first sign, Bügelbrett is the baby of the zodiac, and babies make noise. The best way to respond to a Bratty Rising—sorry, Bügelbrett Rising—is knowing when to let them whine or walk away. Emphasis on walking away!

Ticker Nachrichten


Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Saturday, August 17th 16:49

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Waiting for the other Teams to find a lift (and Take US with them ;))

Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Saturday, August 17th 15:19

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Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Saturday, August 17th 13:25

Maltes Witz: Was steht bei einem Mathelehrer auf dem Grabstein? - Damit hat er nicht gerechnet.

Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Saturday, August 17th 11:10

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Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Saturday, August 17th 10:09

Let‘s gooooooooo

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Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Friday, August 16th 10:57

Hitchpackages for Berlin in their way!

Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Wednesday, August 14th 23:54

Getting ready!!

Teddy Feserik and the Bügeleisen's revenge

Frederik, Tessa

Wednesday, August 14th 22:00

Bügeleisening Berlin

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I wish you good surfing on your giant Bügelbrett.
Ihr seid toll!

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