More hike, less hitch

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Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

Chris: Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that. Kai: The last ten meters backwards (by foot). However, I think we will have to be kidnapped by an one way-lift to do so.

Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Chris: Cashew nuts Kai: Drinking water and a last interspace for any joker

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Kai: You have never been our planned child!

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper:in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

Bruised and battered ... ... but lucky. (Kai) Flying in on the back of an eagle. (Chris)

Chris (34)
Kai (47)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 23
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 10

A German-Dutch team formed on the Hitchmate Xchange.

After a 5 years absence Kai returns to Tramprennen for another shot at hitchhiking greatness. He is joined by Chris, who although having hitchhiked, has never used his thumb to race before.

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More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 22:04

The albatros flies at Orlen party group.

More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 18:15

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More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 18:14

Dinner with my anonymous teammate.

More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 17:00

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More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 16:59

Creeping closer.

More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 15:38

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More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 14:38

A seldom sight: team More Hitch, Less Hike is in a car!

More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 13:35

This is my gas station. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My gas station is my best friend. It is my life. 2,5 hour at Rudná

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More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 13:35

This is my gas station. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My gas station is my best friend. It is my life. 2,5 hour at Rudná

More hike, less hitch

Chris, Kai

Monday, August 19th 11:09

Rudna gas station

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