
Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

i lvoe to sing and dance. maybe tell a poem

Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

kazoo. Tomato

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

when are you going to get married and have a baby?

Ihr seid ...

... heftig erfahrende Tramp-Profis

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

red carpet. papparzi everywhere. dreadlocks in our hair. fireowrks.

Max (35)
jojo (37)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 20
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 6

fast and beaautiful baby

Ticker Nachrichten



Max, jojo

Saturday, August 17th 14:28

Adam (our drivers) favourite joke- “A trabant is driving down a road and comes to a pile of shit. The pile of shit asks ‘what are you?’ The trabant answers ‘I’m a car’. The pile of shit laughs and says ‘right and I’m a pizza’” He told it to us when they took us to see this giant sculpture of Jesus. Feeling very cultured


Max, jojo

Saturday, August 17th 13:24

Welcome to Poland BAYBAYYYYY!!! Jojo and max xxx Unfabrans!!!


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