PogoPingus Prokrastination

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

We will procrastinate so hard that it somehow turns into something you could call... motivation? We can do a lot when we finally hit that stage.

Was darf in eurem Tramp-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Max: Two of our favorite beers. Juggling Stuff and Guitarlele. Thats everything i need to procrastinate! Jana: A game of cards, a book, snacks. Maybe my penguin costume but i'll probably procrastine washing that..

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Max: She´s dead. She procrastinated living. Jana: "Well, you never call me anyways"

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper:in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Majaka (Lemme) vor?

Hopefully not as the first ones. That was really boring last year. So, we'll do what we do best: procrastinate so hard that we'll forget we are supposed to hitchhike until a lot of the other teams have already arrived. Then our motivation hits us, we will get there and everyone will cheer for us. Obviously.

Max (34)
Jana (28)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 15
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 5

When thinking about how we'll spend our summer this year our thought process went something like this:

We could finally finish our studies. We could renovate Max's House. We could save the world.

Or.. we could procrastinate by spending two weeks hitchhiking to Estonia.

Well, that's the obvious choice, so here we are:

We are your worst nightmare. Without doing anything, we're gonna be the fastest penguins you´ve ever seen. We will probably procrastinate getting a lift. But nevertheless, with our power of procrastination we will get there. We always do, sooner or later. Be as surprised as we are about what happens in the seventh year of the PogoPingus.

P.s. We also (of course) procrastinated choosing a name for our team, so that's our name now. Obviously.

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PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Thursday, August 29th 14:08

Doggos <3

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PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Thursday, August 29th 13:48

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PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Thursday, August 29th 13:31

PogoPingus Schwinguin is on the road

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Thursday, August 29th 12:51

Startingtime 13:50

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Thursday, August 29th 9:24

Kind of sad to leave this beautiful place but really looking forward to seeing all of you

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Tuesday, August 27th 14:37

Tower count: 2 🙂

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PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Monday, August 26th 21:51

We arrived like two hours ago 🙂

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Monday, August 26th 18:02

Three teams at the exit of tōrfu. 50km left but there are no cars.

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Monday, August 26th 17:15

Lift to Tõrva with tsiou, we'll do a quick detour to the highest jumping tower in the baltics first

PogoPingus Prokrastination

Max, Jana

Monday, August 26th 16:17

Thank you so much for the nice ride and the good music, see you on the road 🙂

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