Tony, Alexandra
Wednesday, August 22nd 15:42
Hart am chillen und warten damit das Team endlich komplett ist.
Alexandra Tiefenbacher
Wednesday, August 22nd 21:52
Bin hihiiier!
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 15:05
Alexandra Tiefenbacher
Wednesday, August 22nd 21:58
Geilste route ever!!!!
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 13:56
Couldn't find a way to go through Albania, so I'm calling it a Tramprennen and heading back. Sorry to miss you guys, see you next time! This is where the route ends and it feels like a worthy one. Cheers
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 13:51
Testimony: one bite for every mountain climbed.:-p Try were all down the same route.
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 13:48
Crossing the Baba mountains seems like the right way to go. After being confused too serious amounts by how so little traffic can cause so much mayhem, I come to reap the benefits...
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 1:28
Looking at the budget and time I feel I may have to quit for good and head back. Last conclusive tomorrow. Meanwhile I made peace with the world under the moon, put on the superpower t-shirt and started "bending reality" (Mindvalley jargon) - thanks Bro! You are the best. Special credits go to the coming generation of hitchhikers.
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 1:24
After THE lunch, manifested a lovely lift, which got me half-way through. A second that fit me away fun the wrong place and to another which wasted the rest of the evening. I got stuck and called a taxi to rescue me across the border. It cost more than the day would have, but the contact. So worth it. Almost as witty as the talents from Triccala - those were some amazing people. Translators by chance, and heart.
Anne, Dimitri
Wednesday, August 22nd 1:12
Life changing day today. Beyond words. Monks used vinegar to soften limestone and drive stairs into the rock, then went up on stuff-bound ladders and henceforth depended on donations to survive, literally, then pulled up stuff for decades to build the 8th world wonder. - What have you done?
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