Review: Tramprennen 2024

Autumn is here and it’s time to reminisce over a wonderful Tramprennen 2024. Many of us went on this journey expecting cold nights, wet days and plenty of mosquito bites. There’s no denying that those expectations weren’t at least partially fulfilled.

But more importantly mosquito bites became less important as we got to know our drivers and the Baltic states through hitchhiking. The cold nights didn’t feel as cold as we shared the wildest story about our day at the campfire. And the wet days weren’t necessarily due to rain. Sometimes it was just due to a nice sunny swim in the Baltic sea.

We want to say thank you to everyone involved in raising almost 6000 Euros of Donations for ROSA Rolling Safespace and hitchhiking almost 2000 kilometres. A special thank you to our great hosts in Schonungen who solely were responsible for more than 2500 Euros for ROSA that were raised during their Soli Party at the Starting Point.

But of course, a huge thank you to all participants, Sponsors and of course our wonderful drivers!

Until next year (or the next Orga meeting?)