Christian, Henrike
Thursday, September 1st 13:53
On the way to peshtera! Started at 12 at the lake and then 20k to the finish! Jihaa!
Christian, Henrike
Thursday, September 1st 13:52
On the way to peshtera! Started at 12 at the lake and then 20k to the finish! Jihaa!
Christian, Henrike
Thursday, September 1st 13:52
On the way to peshtera! Started at 12 at the lake and then 20k to the finish! Jihaa!
Leonie, Piet
Thursday, September 1st 12:55
Aaaaarg die direkte Konkurrenz zieht davon.. Wir liften gerade Richtung Pazardzik und hoffen, dass ihr noch nicht so weit seid
Spenden für Viva con Agua und PRO ASYL