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Michi, Lina- Lou

Tuesday, August 30th 20:40

Challenge done!

Solidarische Trampwirtschaft

Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie

Tuesday, August 30th 18:39

Emil jammin in Sofia


Johannes, Heike

Tuesday, August 30th 18:33

Last Ride to Sofia! And its a big one! A travel bus is taking us for free to Sofia. We earned this today by having the longest conversations, the most coffees and a yummy free lunch from a lift!

Solidarische Trampwirtschaft

Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie

Tuesday, August 30th 17:56

Now making the last Kilometer into Sofia. Looking forward to meet all of you


Johannes, Heike

Tuesday, August 30th 17:44

Futuretrumps are in Bulgaria.... Confused of the different spelling of sofi(j)a in our map and on the street signs though....


Johannes, Heike

Tuesday, August 30th 17:03

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Völlich OMCH

Matthias, Lisa

Tuesday, August 30th 16:29

osos perezosos

Teresa, Max, Andy

Tuesday, August 30th 16:18

Sieht aus als wären wir mal die 1. Vong platzierung her 🙂 wer da ist bitte melden! (Sofia)


Michi, Lina- Lou

Tuesday, August 30th 14:59

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Unausgeschlafen und hungrig!

Gero, Mira

Tuesday, August 30th 14:54

Die Leute aus Halle sind wenigstens nett zu uns und nehmen uns mit statt uns zu vergraulen:)

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