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Tilia, Thibault

Friday, August 19th 20:25

Starting with a good amount of luck (no), this team will definitely be late. Like late, late. Like stupidly late. Still stuck in Stuttgart, now waiting for the train. We'll make it ! But yeah late.


Stefanie , Lukas

Friday, August 19th 13:23

Poolnudel hat auch kleine Vorfreude


Tom, Emily

Friday, August 19th 10:54

On the way from Dresden 🙂


Hanna, matan

Friday, August 19th 10:02

On our way 🙂


Tom, Emily

Friday, August 19th 5:58

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Long way to Nürnberg

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Thursday, August 18th 20:35

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after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Thursday, August 18th 20:35

Die Ärtze in concert as preparation for Tramprennen:)

Das Team

Philipp, Saskia

Thursday, August 18th 13:26

Nuremberg wie are coming 😀

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Das Team

Philipp, Saskia

Tuesday, August 9th 15:46

So, 10 more days to go, liveticker is online and AS you see in the picture, preparations for Nuremberg are running :). I'm really excited to See you all in Nuremberg <3

Das Team

Philipp, Saskia

Tuesday, June 7th 23:19


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