First teams online; finding a Hitchmate; Choosing a route

Heya Hitchhikers!

It’s not even 2 weeks and already 15 teams registered for the race! Awesome! Maybe you’ve wondered why you can’t see most of the team profiles online on the website yet: Every team has to do some homework, before their profile will be published. Three hard workers made it in the meantime and sent their liability waivers and transferred the money for the Hitchpackage and their teams appeared online today! They are onlince since today! Welcome! Yeeahaw!

Finding a Hitchmate

We received several mails of people asking for Hitchmates in the last days. We will provide a small platform for Hitchmate requests soon on and hope all the people looking for someone to hitch with will find someone soon! Just give us a couple of days since we also need to do some homework which is on our priority list :).
Please remember: Every participant needs his own account to join a team. Login and click the invitation Link you received from your Hitchmate via Mail. Otherwise you’ll never complete the team registration and can’t take part in Tramprennen 2012 😉

Choosing a route

Some people were confused about choosing their routes. You can register a team and choose and switch your route as many times as you wish until August 4th. So don’t hesitate do register your team if you’re not sure yet which route you wanna hitch! There is still time to decide… 🙂

That’s it for the moment!
Cheeeers, Tramprennen 2012 Crew