This years donations are going to Cadus. If you want to donate please click here: Teams – Tramprennen
This year we have some special gifts for you if you donate more than 10€. From 10€ + you’ll get an gym bag or a jute bag and for more than 20€ you can get at T-shirt out of Cadus’ old collection. If you want one of these gifts. Please leave us a message with your mailadresse and T-shirt size.
Pictures of the gifts are following these days.
Only as long as we have some left.
For further information about Cadus e.V. see here: Home – Cadus e.V. – Redefine Global Solidarity

Donations & Programm and last opportunity to join
/in TrampCamp 2021Tramprennen 2021 cancelled – Join our first TrampCamp
/in News, TrampCamp 2021Hello Tramprennen-people and Hitchhiking enthusiasts, As you might know, even though vaccination-numbers are rising and case counts are dropping, COVID isn’t over. For us it is another year in which we have to cancel our beloved hitchhiking race for health and safety reasons. But our thumbs are icking just too much to let this summer […]