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PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Friday, August 26th 10:44

It's finally time to tell you about our Challenges! 1. Jana has to wear white socks in sandals for a whole day! 2. We got a beer with us and have to trade it until we got something we want to take home 3. We have to get tattooed either on the way or at the final Destination Thanks to our owners!

Operation Katapult

Jana, Tassilo

Friday, August 26th 10:28

We are complete for the Route meeting 🙂


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Thursday, August 25th 22:11


PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, August 25th 21:44

Mini Bierpong

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, August 25th 18:58



Nico, Kristin

Thursday, August 25th 18:04

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Nico, Kristin

Thursday, August 25th 18:04

Chilling out in Jablanica‘s Partisan Museum


Tom, Emily

Thursday, August 25th 18:02

Recap yesterday 1: Hitchiked from Senj to the border of Bosnia and got stopped from crossing due to Emmis ID getting flagged because it had been stolen before.


Tom, Emily

Thursday, August 25th 17:40

We got invited to eat plum-dumplings in Gradiška. They were delicious <3 And then they even gave us a lift to Banja Luka.

The Tramps

Jun, Noá Keshia

Thursday, August 25th 13:41

Enjoy the sun and waiting of the another team

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