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PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Friday, September 2nd 20:27

A little auction at the final ceremony Eine kleine Auktion bei der Sieger*innenehrung

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Thursday, September 1st 21:20

With dirty hairs but what would you expect from the Superpowers without Showers?

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Thursday, September 1st 20:49

We arrived after 2 hrs and 4 min. 🙂


Katja , Dorian

Thursday, September 1st 16:35

Final Destination


Katja , Dorian

Thursday, September 1st 15:46

Heute hier morgen immer noch da

Frederik, Laura

Thursday, September 1st 15:44



Katja , Dorian

Thursday, September 1st 15:09

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Ouf, just no time for snacking, next lift in Librazhd stopped after 10 seconds and will bring us to Hudënisht

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, September 1st 14:50

Arrived at 14.49 Angekommen um 14.49


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Thursday, September 1st 14:44

Team ibu’ibu at 3pm… they’ll be ready to leave Elbasan in around 2 hours.

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, September 1st 14:42

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Almost there! Fast da!

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