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Operation Katapult

Jana, Tassilo

Sunday, August 28th 0:37

From the foot of the alps to the shores of the sea!


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Saturday, August 27th 22:05

challenge of the day: done! our driver didn‘t want coffee, so he got a beer 🙂

Operation Katapult

Jana, Tassilo

Saturday, August 27th 21:31

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Das Team

Philipp, Saskia

Saturday, August 27th 20:12

Montenegro. We made it. 🙂


Katja , Dorian

Saturday, August 27th 20:12

Fin fun fun in Stolac while waiting for the next 4 person lift to Trebinje


Katja , Dorian

Saturday, August 27th 20:05

Now with a picture. Little bit stuck in tiny Mostar alleys this afternoon

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 20:00

And of course earned the extra points for the daily challenge.

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after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 19:59

And ended the day with a lift for 3 teams to our destination Plužine.

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 19:58

Then we picked up Emmi and Tom on our way to Sarajevo.

after all, he'll play wonderwall!

Cedric, Svea

Saturday, August 27th 19:47

Started the day with Hanna and Matan. Went to Konjic together.

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