Registration is opened up to 8th of August


Whoop Whoop hitchhiking folks!

Because so many people are still looking for Hitchmates we decided to give you some extra time to sign up for the Tramprennen 2019 to enable YOU to join our journey to Transylvania!

+++ Registration is open until the 8th of August +++

We have to let you know though, that people signing up during our prelonged registration-phase will possibly not get Tramprennen 2019 T-shirts in the right sizes due to the short time until the race! But as you know, the most important thing is being able to start this years Hitchhiking-Madness in Görlitz or Bad Grönenbach

So go and ask friends, strangers (check out our Hitchmate X-change and actively text people at:, cats and your goldfish and sign up – you have seven more days to go!