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Working Title: Flying Flamingos

Marie-Luise, Johannes, Frederike

Tuesday, August 29th 13:36

Team Flymingo überlegt einen "Create-your-own-Schnapspralinen"-Workshop abzuhalten. Bei Interesse meldet euch vertrauensvoll beim Ausbildungsflamingo.

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Trampu Confetti

Jan, Mathilde

Tuesday, August 29th 13:24

...dicht auf den Honig-Fersen

Working Title: Flying Flamingos

Marie-Luise, Johannes, Frederike

Tuesday, August 29th 13:23

Team Flymingo bitte zum Speisewagen, Team Flymingo bitte zum Speisewagen!

Working Title: Flying Flamingos

Marie-Luise, Johannes, Frederike

Tuesday, August 29th 13:11

Noch 5 Plätze frei im Sprinter nach Vilnius! #werwillwerwillwerhatnochnicht?

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Max, Claudia

Tuesday, August 29th 12:46

Schon 3 lifts, aber trotzdem erst in Biala piska.. hier is tote hose, aber wir vertreiben uns die wartezeit mit Hannlelore 🙂

Tiger & Bär

Torben, Ambra

Tuesday, August 29th 12:34

Sveiki Lietuva!

Jane, the Viking & Sir Otto III

Jan Martin, Natalie

Tuesday, August 29th 12:32

Leaving Confetti with some Hippies in Elk and running after the other teams. Watch out the Ottis are coming.

Trampu Confetti

Jan, Mathilde

Tuesday, August 29th 12:23

Elk on board. Auf nach Augustowowoww

Trampu Confetti

Jan, Mathilde

Tuesday, August 29th 12:18

Thanks to our lift who dropped us directly to the hitch hiking traffic jam at Elk

Working Title: Flying Flamingos

Marie-Luise, Johannes, Frederike

Tuesday, August 29th 12:07

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Yay! Flymingos flyen durch Marjampole!

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